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Deluxe Wash with closure/frontal replacement


Customer  provide the closure

We  provide the closure

Deluxe Wash with frontal or closure replacement : Indulge Your Wig in Luxurious Care

At WigRenew, we take wig care to a whole new level with our exclusive Deluxe Wash service. Designed to pamper your unit with unparalleled care and attention, our highly trained staff will treat your wig to a six-step treatment process that will leave it looking and feeling fabulous.

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WIG RENEW Strategy + Overview.png

With our Deluxe Wash service, your wig will receive the VIP treatment it deserves. Our meticulous attention to detail, premium products, and skilled techniques ensure that your wig will look and feel rejuvenated, exuding confidence and beauty.

Experience the ultimate in wig care with our Deluxe Wash service at WigRenew. Let us transform your
wig into a work of art that perfectly complements your style. Trust our expertise and passion for hair to
provide you with exceptional results that will leave you delighted.


Customer  provide the closure

We  provide the closure

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